Neon Nightmare Ball Quest
2024-10-23 18:06:57
Room Information
Room Name: Neon Nightmare
Room Owner: noodlesoup
Prom Night Escape (Badge)
Neon Party Hat (Clothing)
400 Pumpkins (Seasonal Currency)
Activate the Quest
Activate the quest by opening the quest menu and selecting 'Activate quest'.
Step 1
Wear either the Bloody Prom Dress or Bloody Prom to complete the first step. These can be found in the 'NEW Nightmare Prom Clothing' category.
Step 2
Go to the Neon Nightmare room and say 'tele4' whilst wearing the Graveyard Feast badge. You will be teleported to one of the teleporters. Use the teleporter.
Step 3
When it's your turn, you need to free the bots that are surrounded by fire.
Stand next to the Hand Water Pump infront of the stage to get a bucket of water and then stand on a fire patch to remove it.
Note: You will need to get a new bucket every time.
When the fire around each bot is gone they will be able to escape.
Repeat this for all 5 bots.
You have 3 minutes to complete this and if you stand on fire without a bucket you will lose.
When completed, stand on the arrow marker to complete the game.
You will now receive the badge and a Neon Party Hat
Step 4
Go to the room HNN Neon Prom Party and dance for 2 minutes until you complete the quest.
Step 5
Wear your new Prom Night Escape badge to complete the final step.
Once completed, you will receive 400 Pumpkins (Seasonal Currency for Elvira's Shop)
Neon Nightmare Ball Quest
2024-10-23 18:15:57
thanks for the guide! finally got enough pumpkins for the bloody crown